Monday, April 7, 2008

The Great Wall, China

Well, although it's a myth that the Great Wall of China is visible from space, nevertheless it is impressive, and very, very big. Makes you wonder what they were thinking building a wall this huge up and down over mountains--it certainly didn't help defend the country from raiders who just went around it, or bribed guards to let them through. But is indeed impressive. Still, I'm glad I wasn't one of the lucky guys hauling stone up those ridges to build the thing.

This particular section of wall is about 40 miles from downtown Beijing. Beijing sits on a broad, open plain. The hills to the north and west form a sort of natural barrier and protection, especially when you consider that the Mongol tribes lived to the north and west. That natural protection was augmented by the wall. But those Mongolians are good horsemen, and they didn't have much trouble riding around the thing, or in some cases over it. As the mighty Chingiss Kahn famously said, " A wall is only as good as the soldiers manning it."

We were joined at the Wall by hundreds of Chinese tourists who love to visit the nation's historical sights. A booming business of souvenir hawkers and snack sellers has grown up around parts of the wall, and Debbie and I were asked to pose with dozens of Chinese who wanted their photo with us. I know we're a good looking couple and all, but it was a little strange. I'm sure we've been immortalized in photo albums all over China.


Unknown said...

Great photos from the Great Wall!Have a great time!! Vin and Jean

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics! Who is cooler than you guys? xoxoxo